Melecular Formular: C12H14N4S2O5
Melecular Weight: 358.39
CAS No: 80-51-3

Physical and Chemical Properties:

It is an odorless white powder that will decompose and release Nitrogen within a certain temperature range, forming a small and uniform pore structure in the product. Small relative toxicity and non polluting, it belongs to the best foaming agent of sulfonylhydrazine class. Adding PD, CD, and ZN salts will lower its decomposition temperature.

Performance and Application:

It is used to produce odorless, pollution-free, and non decolorizing foam like products with subtle and uniform pore structure. Suitable for producing elastomers (such as styrene butadiene rubber and chloroprene rubber, chloroprene rubber, natural rubber) and thermoplastic products (such as polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polyphenylene, ABS engineering plastics) under normal pressure or pressure expansion, and can also be used together with rubber resin blends. In certain circumstances, it can act as a crosslinker in the curing mechanism and can also be used in combination with other foaming agents.

项目  Item指标 Specification
外观 Appearance白色粉末 White powder
发气量  Gas evolution(20℃760 mmHg)>125ml/g
分解温度 Dec.Temp (5°C/min In Air)150-160℃
细度通过目  Fineness by mesh 2000

Package and Storage:

Packaged in cardboard fiber drum/carton, net weight is 25 kg at per drum/carton.
Powdered products are restricted hazardous chemicals, purchases need to be customized and ordered in advance.

Physical and chemical indicators: